PC Speakers and recording

mercredi 6 mai 2015

So I have a Creative ZxR, a Tascam digital portastudio 8-track, and I use Cubase. I'm not an engineer; I know the basics about recording. So, the question is, what type of speakers should I buy for my setup? I have my eye on the CA-3602a by Cyber Acoustics (great ratings) or something like it, either the 3908, or something like it by a different brand. Any suggestions? my budget is $200 at the most, but I would like to stick with something around 50 to 100. Sounds like the 3602 is a great deal at around 50. And the 3908 is only 70! Any difference between the two besides one being louder? Just noticing that the 3602 has 6,500 reviews and the 3908 has 200.

PC Speakers and recording

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