Roccat KONE mice - any thoughts on them?

lundi 20 avril 2015

Hey Guru's, I know I may be setting myself up for few replies due to the specificity of this post but I'm curious if anyone's tried out this particular mouse. I am looking at the Roccat KONE Pure Optical gaming mouse ( as it appears to really fit the bill for what I want.

- quality Optical sensor w/no angle snapping
- Generally lower DPI, customizable to set on the fly
- Good for claw grip
- Solid build quality, longevity

I currently have a CM Storm Spawn, and although I like it (and love the claw grip style), I have been locked to one DPI setting because its the only one that ends up working well for me in games. You can't adjust the 3 presets on it, and the 3500 is way too high for my tastes. The low setting is usable on desktop stuff like Photoshop, but I've found it pretty useless in gaming. I need something similar that is killer for the claw grip but offers more customization and DPI settings that I'll actually use!

So, any thoughts or opinions on the Roccat Kone Pure Optical? Thoughts/experience on the quality of Roccat mice in general? I've never used them. It's slightly pricey, but I'll pay the $60 if its going to fit the bill.


Roccat KONE mice - any thoughts on them?

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