660 SLI to 970, GTA V Benches inside

mardi 21 avril 2015

I Figured the 2GB of VRam was getting to be too big of a limitation. So I finally caved and got an Evga GTX 970 SSC from my 2 Evga GTX 660 FTW Sig2. Now the 660's are good performers but just lacked memory, as you'll see.

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 2
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 2
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 1
GrassQuality: 1
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 2
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: false
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: false
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 0.800000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 0.800000
PostFX: 2
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: false
MaxLodScale: 0.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

Settings were above for both and rest of system specs on the side.

We have a big change here on the low end due to having more vram, so the gpu doesn't have to wait for more data.

The high end is rather close except for the last pass which is just too much memory exchange.

We see its close here but due to the low end the 970 just edges out.

Now with the frame time I'm just showing the max as the low and avg is similar and this shows the real difference between the two. The 660's can average out good frames but this shows that it does it with stutters. There's just not enough vram to keep up.

I hope this helps anyone that wanted to see some numbers.

660 SLI to 970, GTA V Benches inside

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