Laptop is faster when Unplugged. (DV7-7233nr)

samedi 21 février 2015

Hello everyone. Firstly Ive lurked this place a lot and id like to say thanks to everyone for all the help ive gotten from here!

So I'd like to ask why does my laptop operate faster when unplugged during games?

I bought it around this time last year and it was the exact opposite. I mainly use it for Game dev work (Zbrush Maya, Marmoset and Photoshoping) when using those programs the turbo core feature is working flawlessly

The only games Ive used it for back when I first got the laptop were Mass Effect 2 and Dota 2 both of which ran great. I got a a good 40-60fps in ME2 and averaged 40 in Dota 2 with maxed settings. Now I get around 30 in Me2 and 20-30 in dota.

When I unplug the laptop the games run like they did in the past. Yet when plugged up they slow to a crawl

when I enter a game the processor locks it self at 1.60GHZ, 1.77GHZ or 1.94GHZ and its always one of those speeds. Some times it locks at 1.77GHZ and slowly drops to 0.86GHZ A quick fix to this would be to unplug the laptop and plug it in and the processor sorta resets itself back to 2.30GHZ then back to 1.77GHZ

Having not started the game/Sitting at the main menu the processor stays at 2.30GHZ until it actually starts rendering something it drops to one of the speeds mentioned above unless I unplug it

I cant recall when it started happening but over the last year Ive done a bios update Ive swapped out a 2GB ram stick with a 4GB so now its a full 8GB and I'm not using HP's drivers for the gpu I'm using AMD latest. All those changes also stopped some annoying BSOD errors i was having

My power plan is also High performance both unplugged and Plugged

Any ideas why this is happening?

Laptop is faster when Unplugged. (DV7-7233nr)

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