Most visually impressive game of 2015

jeudi 26 février 2015

Which game do you think is going to take the title as the most visually impressive game of 2015? The list I have are just some of them, but feel free to add your own in your posts if your choice isn't listed.

In my opinion, it's the Witcher 3. CDPR looks like they are serious about going balls deep into making the Witcher 3 the most visually impressive RPG ever released.

It's packed with lots of tech, including HBAO+, terrain tessellation, semi volumetric clouds, water tessellation, hair and fur simulation, PBR, fully dynamic lighting (no baked lights), cloud shadows, boob physics, dynamic weather patterns, full day and night cycle and the list goes on.

When taken into it's sum and everything tied together, the Witcher 3 will undoubtedly be the most visually stunning game to be released this year. And thats saying a lot, because CDPR is so much smaller than many other developers. It just goes to show how far ambition and passion can take you in life :)

Most visually impressive game of 2015

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