Help me improve my modelshoots...

mercredi 25 février 2015

Hi guys! I started this new topic so I dont clutter up the "I'm proud if this picture..." with discussions about my shots.

I started to do model photography recently. I always had an interest for this, but waited with actually doing some. I did do a couple of shoots with a friend of mine, but this was with my old D90 and it wasnt too serious.

Since then I have upgraded to a D7000 and last sunday had my first ever modelshoot.

It was a meeting with several photographers and models (and hair/make-up artists). I already learned a great deal from this, but now I want to ask you guys for some more tips. All critique is welcome. What would you have done differently in editing/shooting. And please share your examples!

Also tell me what I did right, so I can do it again ;)

My equipment: Nikon D7000, Nikkor 17-55mm 2.8, Nikkor 85mm af-s 1.8g, Tamron vc 70-300mm 4.0/5.6 usd, Nikkor 40mm 1.8 macro. Nikon SB-700 speedlight.

Here are 3 shots I took. There are alot more, but i'll post them later.

bbalfreak already had some good points about this photo so I removed an imperfection on her leftside face and brightend up the shadows on that side...

Fotomeeting Groningen by Dre @ PhotoDream, on Flickr

Fotomeeting Groningen by Dre @ PhotoDream, on Flickr

Fotomeeting Groningen by Dre @ PhotoDream, on Flickr

Help me improve my modelshoots...

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