Suggestions for the best gaming laptop on the market?

lundi 23 mars 2015

Without going into a ton of backstory, I anticipate buying another laptop sometime this Spring season and the budget will be substantially larger then any previous single computer purchase I have made. I'd like some ideas and feedback as to the best model(s) on the market considering my criteria.

1. 17" or BIGGER screen.

2. 1920x1080 resolution (I don't want it any bigger since the text becomes too small for me to read comfortably in many applications.)

3. Backlit keyboard.

4. Best CPU & GPU available within my budget.

5. Cooling that can handle the above. I don't mind using a cooling pad if need be.

6. Reliability, longevity and warranty.

7. SSD for OS 120GB or larger.

8. 8 GB RAM or More.

9. 1TB or larger HDD for games etc.

10. Optical Drive - DVDRW is fine, would consider BluRay if price was similar.

I would like to buy from since they have wonderful customer service and I would like to support them. I would prefer to stay under $2000 but would consider approaching $2500 if I felt really good about the purchase.

Any thoughts on a good model?

*Things that don't matter to me: battery life, weight.... this will be 98% stationary.

Suggestions for the best gaming laptop on the market?

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